Fairytale Discussion Groups
When we think of fairy tales, many of us remember reading about great stories such as Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White. Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are classics. I wonder how many of us learned about these tales through Disney’s versions. Disney, with prince charming saving the princess from harm in many cases, does not capture the true meaning of these tales.
Fairy tales speak to deeper issues about the human condition; what Jung would refer to as part of the collective. They have survived the hundreds, and even thousands, of years since they were first told because the messages are archetypal. They are about universal issues we all share—then and now.
Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz, the Jungian analyst and scholar who dedicated her professional life to analyzing fairy tales tells us that if we study a fairy tale, it is like examining a skeleton. She goes on to say that fairy tales are the purest and simplest expression of collective unconscious psychic processes. They mirror the basic patterns of the psyche.
For more than 15 years, I have been studying the symbols in myths and fairy tales. I currently offer fairy tale discussion groups for anyone interested in understanding the deeper meaning of these stories and their application to our lives today.
*Fairytale groups are held virtually. The cost is $30 to participate. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link.
Fairytale Discussion Group: "Mother Hulda"
- Saturday, February 22, from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Register
For more information, please contact me by email at [email protected] or by phone at 972-741-8387.